Prevention Resources

Eating wholesome nutrient dense rainbow foods, whole grains, legumes, beans, olive oil, exercise, reducing the toxic burden, and restful sleep; these are some of the keys to preventing and reversing chronic illness.

July 2024: Intentional Wellness©™ Parenting for Life

July 2024: Intentional Wellness©™ Parenting for Life

Every year when school gets out, I have enjoyed the transition into summer. It often brings back memories of my childhood. I grew up in a small town on Cape Cod. At the beginning of every day, we would decide which beach we were going to for the day or how we were going to connect with our cousins. My aunt had a hammock in her backyard and my cousins, and I would get together for hours on end...

May 2024:  Honoring all mother’s during this Mother’s Day Month

May 2024:  Honoring all mother’s during this Mother’s Day Month

Mother’s Day was May 12 this year. Ever since I became pregnant and birthed my daughter, I have thoroughly enjoyed Mother’s Day. It is a special day to honor all mother’s, the ones we have, the one’s that we are and the one’s we are yet to be!!Moms are the Life Force in our world and without Mother’s, none of us would exist. Being a Mom, has been the Best and Most Challenging Job of my life and...

March 2024: Planting the Seeds of Your Garden

March 2024: Planting the Seeds of Your Garden

This past week Princess Kate Middleton broke her silence about why she has not been seen. She spoke from her heart and communicated with the world her personal story of having abdominal surgery and subsequently learning that she had cancer. She also revealed that she is getting a chemotherapy medicine to prevent it from coming back. What is so honorable about what she did is not that she shared...

February 2024: Cancer Prevention Month

February 2024: Cancer Prevention Month

We have spent the last few months diving into Creating the Life of our Dreams as a family, as parents or just for ourselves. Now let’s explore what our Dream Life would look like if we could prevent illness. For some, it probably sounds like a pie in the sky idea, but I can tell you that it is not. In fact, we do know some strategies that can prevent cancer in you or your family. This is the...

5 Strategies to Improve Your Child’s Nutrition

5 Strategies to Improve Your Child’s Nutrition

One thing I have learned in my work every day working with people who have cancer is that nutrition is key!!  Our food has changed quite a bit in the last 40 years, there are many more chemicals sprayed onto the agricultural crops and these chemicals or pesticides are getting into our bodies and our kids bodies where they are creating a variety of disorders and or diseases. Diet for...

National Nutrition Month-March

National Nutrition Month-March

Welcome to March and the beginning of Spring and National Nutrition Month! This month we will continue exploring the keys to building a Life of Good Health thru W.E.L.L.N.E.S.S. WELLNESS stands for W.inning E.very L.iving day thru L.ove N.utrition E.xercise S.erenity and S.pirituality. It is the Simple Key to Lifelong Good Health! This picture is from a Farmers Market that is so much fun and...

Focus on Gratitude Living the Good, Better, Best Life Through W.E.L.L.N.E.S.S.

Focus on Gratitude Living the Good, Better, Best Life Through W.E.L.L.N.E.S.S.

Gratitude is a key ingredient of good health. Each day we can find something to be grateful for, especially when we know all those who have significant life challenges or health challenges…each day that we can wake up, see, hear, get out of a nice warm bed and walk, breath fresh air, have a family that we love and share a good meal for breakfast is a gift.  This month of Thanksgiving,...

Positive Steps Towards Healthy Eating: The Foundation of Good Health

Positive Steps Towards Healthy Eating: The Foundation of Good Health

Remember those days when your kids were first born and it finally hits you how tiny, vulnerable, and precious they are, I do, I remember it well and can totally relate to new parents who feel overwhelmed with the responsibilities of caring for this little baby along with the feeling that you want to do everything just right and not sure what that just right thing is! Just when I would figure...

Spring! New Life and New Beginnings

Spring! New Life and New Beginnings

Have you seen this movie yet?  It is one that I wanted to share with you!  The other day I was talking to one of my friends, Nina, at the barn where we board our horses.  We were discussing how to protect our kids while also protecting our horses from the bugs.  We were talking about some effective yet non-toxic natural horse sprays to keep the horses from being bitten by the flys and bugs and...

Believing that Good Health is Possible

Believing that Good Health is Possible

This is a picture of my daughter when she was 5 years old and I took her to Disney World where she got to be a Princess for several days and meet Mickey Mouse who spun her around before I took this picture and Mickey helped her to feel like a Real Princess!  It was one of my favorite memories with my daughter when she was growing up! It brought me back to my own childhood when I remember as...