Purpose Resources

Following Your North Star, living from your purpose, making a difference, knowing why you are here; these are some of the most important factors for life long health.

March 2024: Planting the Seeds of Your Garden

March 2024: Planting the Seeds of Your Garden

This past week Princess Kate Middleton broke her silence about why she has not been seen. She spoke from her heart and communicated with the world her personal story of having abdominal surgery and subsequently learning that she had cancer. She also revealed that she is getting a chemotherapy medicine to prevent it from coming back. What is so honorable about what she did is not that she shared...

December 2023 Creating the World of your Dreams

December 2023 Creating the World of your Dreams

This picture that I took over Thanksgiving is a place of my childhood. It is a beach near the home where I grew up on Cape Cod. It feels like it is calling us to Dream of the Life We Would Love! In our last blog I asked what do you Dream for yourself and your family? What would you love more of in your life? This is an important idea to ponder this season when the world seems to be on fire. No...

Achieving Our Dreams and The Rio 2016 Olympics

Achieving Our Dreams and The Rio 2016 Olympics

The Olympics this year were so exciting and I was so proud of not only our US Olympic athletes but all the athletes that participated.  They always amaze me with their skill, amazing talents, perseverance, focus and positive attitude!! One team that really impressed me was the US Women’s Gymnastics team with “Grandma Aly and Baby Simone”.  Aly is a young woman from my hometown of...

Focus on Gratitude Living the Good, Better, Best Life Through W.E.L.L.N.E.S.S.

Focus on Gratitude Living the Good, Better, Best Life Through W.E.L.L.N.E.S.S.

Gratitude is a key ingredient of good health. Each day we can find something to be grateful for, especially when we know all those who have significant life challenges or health challenges…each day that we can wake up, see, hear, get out of a nice warm bed and walk, breath fresh air, have a family that we love and share a good meal for breakfast is a gift.  This month of Thanksgiving,...

Refresh, Rejuvenate, Renew

Refresh, Rejuvenate, Renew

August is a wonderful month to Refresh, Rejuvenate and Renew the Spirit!  It is a quieter month in the year, as many families vacation and kids have some down time before they return to the academic year.  There are actually no designated “Awareness of Cancers” for this month, which is perfect!  August is a great month to designate as “Awareness of Health”!! If there is one thing...

The Art of Self-Care

The Art of Self-Care

So, do you remember when you children were babies? So precious!! I am sure that you remember those days…who could forget!! It is a precious time for moms, dads and babies when all of their needs are met by trying to understand their unique communications-when they are hungry, when they are wet, when they are tired? I had so many hopes and dreams for my baby then and luckily I was very tuned into...

Words of Wisdom to Ponder

Words of Wisdom to Ponder

As a Clinical Oncology Nurse, I have taken care of many different patients with a variety of illnesses.  One of the wealthiest patients I ever took care of said something to me one time that stuck with me and I have taken as Words of Wisdom.  He said, “It doesn’t matter how much money you have, it can not prevent you from getting sick.  In life, there are only 3 things that are...

Identifying Challenges, Creating Solutions

Identifying Challenges, Creating Solutions

As we now enter a whole new year ahead, I am excited to refocus on where we are going and share some Food For Thought! As a Mom who is raising a millenial and cares about health, education, the environment and the future, I have concerns about the direction of our global community at this moment in time…I am guessing you do too!! It is a world in transformation. There are issues, there is...

Thrive on Five

Thrive on Five

July is a wonderful month for eating whole, fresh, delicious fruits and vegetables.  I remember as a child growing up on Cape Cod, my mom would take all of us to the back roads of Truro early in the morning so that we could pick wild, ripening blueberries off the bush to eat for breakfast.  My mom always made an adventure out of it!  We had the music cranked up with some rock and...

Taking Time to Renew

Taking Time to Renew

August is a wonderful month to take a deep breath and recover from the busyness of the year before the new academic year begins!  I love this month, like many parents, as it is the last time for a year when we have more time as parents for ourselves and just being present with our kids.  So often as our kids are growing up, there are so many activities such as homework, sports, music lessons and...