Exercise for Fun

by | May 1, 2023 | Prevention

Spring Greetings to all in our Parenting Community! Don’t you just Love Spring as the world seems to come alive again, the flowers bloom, baby birds shout out to their “bird parents” that they are hungry or another day is emerging and new life is born!!

E.xercise is the Theme of this month as we continue to explore W.E.L.L.N.E.S.S© and the simple steps to maintaining good health or helping our kids to have a better chance at a longer, healthier life! When I think of exercise and fun I think of running, biking or swimming and as a parent I think of my daughter running with her Cross Country and Track & Field team. This is a treasured picture of my daughter when she was in high school. As you can see, she is very focused, strong and keeping her eye on her goal! Exercise is so helpful for maintaining good health and reducing disease as research has found that when kids are involved in team sports during the teen years they have lower rates of cancer throughout their lives and it can be a wonderful way to develop lifelong healthful habits!

Exercise keeps our muscles strong, our circulation better, our lungs more efficient, our bodies stronger, immune systems, neurological and stress systems more resilient to the challenges of life. Not only is Exercise of great benefit for our kids but it is also a powerful antidote to dis-ease throughout our lives! Exercise can keep parents in better shape and, in addition, we can be good role models for our kids!

So I encourage each of you who are exercising to give yourself a big pat on the back for all you do for your own good health and for encouraging your kids to do the same! For those who would like to get back into exercise, I encourage you to find one thing you truly enjoy or find a friend that enjoys doing some form of exercise and getting together with them. Keep it fun, keep it regular at least 20-30 minutes 3-5 times a week and trial different types of exercise until you find what works for you!! For those that have trouble walking remember that exercising your arms with a bicycle-like machine can be just as helpful to pump up your heart rate as using your legs so be creative if you need to be or find a good Physical Therapist who can help you. Physical Therapists are an invaluable resource for any muscle strengthening or conditioning. Also use self-protection and if you have any medical conditions to start make sure you check with your doctor about any modifications you will need for your exercise routine. Above all else, have FUN, because you will feel good and you will be inspired to come back and continue to exercise. Here is to your Good, Better, Best Life through W.E.L.L.N.E.S.S.© or W.inning E.very L.iving day thru L.ove N.utrition E.xercise S.erenity and S.pirituality! Have a Wonderful Month!